The perilous leap has been leapt

And now that the people that really needed to know has been
told, I guess the secret is out. I'm changing jobs. After six years
it feels really good to move on to something new. I am thankful
of all that I've learned working for my current employer, but at
a certain point one needs to have a complete turnaround of
duties, responsibilities and tasks. To me it's not necessarily that
important what you're doing, as long as there is a progression in
the responsibilities you have, and the tasks you undertake. When
this progression slows down it is a serious sign that one should
look elsewhere - for the sake of ones own development, but also
for the sake of your employer. One can get really good at what you're
doing, but at some point the fire and passion of somebody new
will be more advantegous for the company. I feel I am at this point
now. I feel so experienced at my job that I feel that there aren't
that many challenges left - or at least the challenges that feel
exciting are based more on yearly results, and not the everyday
challenges of the daily tasks. This could be a positive since one
gets more distance and oversight to what one is doing, but it
makes the daily passion which is needed to get the yearly results
harder to attain.
im just wondering, did you get off at the wrong station..cus it looks like your trains just left.
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