Thursday, November 30
Monday, November 27
By the way, I got something in the mail the other day. The long
anticipated "Hoppers"-print by David Choe. #4 out of 150.
It took one hell of a long time getting here. At least two months.
But the good news is that I've recently seen this print being sold for
double the amount that I paid for it, so besides buying art that I love,
it seems like I've been making a good investment as well. And, more
importantly, the print looks incredible. The quality of the canvas and
the ink is really good. It'll stand out in my new apartment - if I get one.
anticipated "Hoppers"-print by David Choe. #4 out of 150.

But the good news is that I've recently seen this print being sold for
double the amount that I paid for it, so besides buying art that I love,
it seems like I've been making a good investment as well. And, more
importantly, the print looks incredible. The quality of the canvas and
the ink is really good. It'll stand out in my new apartment - if I get one.
Bank robbery

Sorry. I haven't found the time to be on here lately. All my
time, focus and interest has been aimed towards trying to
buy an apartment. Or, more specifically; finding a place that
feels good, and financing the fucker. It might be me setting
to high standards, but it's not all that easy when the 37 kvm
(400 sq feet) apartment we were looking at today cost
2,9 mill nkr (450000 USD). That was a ridiculously nice
apartment, though. But even the quite normal apartments
that size go for at least 250000 USD plus.
I have a lot of figuring out to do, so don't shoot me for being
a lazy fuck on this blog for some time. I'll keep posting now
and then when I find the time.
Monday, November 20
Bore me
When I was a kid I was bored quite a lot. I do feel I was a
creative child, but nonetheless - there was not that much
going on to occupy my mind.
That is not the case today. I'm suffering of full and complete
information overload, and there is so much to see and do
that I don't even find the time to do 1/10th of what I'd like
to. This all makes time fly by so fucking fast. And I hardly
find the time to enjoy the things I do manage to fit in my
calendar since I'm always on the run - either by feet or by
I'd like to get back to that point where life was boring at
times, and you learned to appreciate the moment. Where
you did not take things for granted.
Boredom is a form of luxury in modern society.
Considering all of this I'm glad my girlfriend and I went up
to the cabin this weekend. Just doing nothing, really. No
tv, no internet, no shopping, no exhibitions, no work, no
social gatherings - just the two of us quietly waiting the
weekend out.

creative child, but nonetheless - there was not that much
going on to occupy my mind.
That is not the case today. I'm suffering of full and complete
information overload, and there is so much to see and do
that I don't even find the time to do 1/10th of what I'd like
to. This all makes time fly by so fucking fast. And I hardly
find the time to enjoy the things I do manage to fit in my
calendar since I'm always on the run - either by feet or by
I'd like to get back to that point where life was boring at
times, and you learned to appreciate the moment. Where
you did not take things for granted.
Boredom is a form of luxury in modern society.
Considering all of this I'm glad my girlfriend and I went up
to the cabin this weekend. Just doing nothing, really. No
tv, no internet, no shopping, no exhibitions, no work, no
social gatherings - just the two of us quietly waiting the
weekend out.

Wednesday, November 15
Tuesday, November 14
Sunday, November 12
Yeah, I love the Clash tune as well, but that's not what I'm
going to ramble on about right now. Kazbah is a part of
Karmaloop where they showcase and sell up-and-coming
brands. Well, it's not like Karmaloop is hypermainstream
in the first place, but anyways...
Quite a few of the brands at Kazbah are very coming and
not so much up, yet - so there are a lot of printed tees,
but there's a fresh vibe and there are some new and
original ideas if you sift through the guns and skulls. I must
quite honestly say that I hadn't heard of any of the brands
except Blood Is The New Black, Greedy Genius, Stacks &
Bundles and Methods NYC, so you're pretty sure to find
some brands you haven't noticed before.

To Die For

Stacks & Bundles

Methods NYC

Gold Coin
going to ramble on about right now. Kazbah is a part of
Karmaloop where they showcase and sell up-and-coming
brands. Well, it's not like Karmaloop is hypermainstream
in the first place, but anyways...
Quite a few of the brands at Kazbah are very coming and
not so much up, yet - so there are a lot of printed tees,
but there's a fresh vibe and there are some new and
original ideas if you sift through the guns and skulls. I must
quite honestly say that I hadn't heard of any of the brands
except Blood Is The New Black, Greedy Genius, Stacks &
Bundles and Methods NYC, so you're pretty sure to find
some brands you haven't noticed before.

To Die For

Stacks & Bundles

Methods NYC

Gold Coin
Thursday, November 9
Did I get this right?

One coloured is the new all-over-print.
Silent is the new loud.
Tone in tone is the new contrast.
Clean is the new dirty.
Raw look is the new distressed look.
Black is the new black... opposed to last year when the new black was brown.
Does this mean that commercials will all go away? If the
trends are strongly heading towards a calmer feel of things,
partly due to a reaction against the massive output of loud
and screaming messages thrown at us from all directions -
wouldn't the logical next step be that commercials ceased,
or, more realistically;
dramatically changed its way of communicating?
Has our tolerance towards this type of communication been
so far stretched that we have started seeking towards the
ones which does not scream at us?
I can see the signs, but time will tell.
(Paste by Iron)
Wednesday, November 8
And they come out swinging
I don't really go out a lot any longer. Guess it's all part of growing
up and the fact that I'm in a committed relationship. I don't really
see the point of going out on town unless there is some special
event that I'm curious about, or I'm in the mood to get really,
really drunk on espresso/rum shots, absinth and whiskey. Which
lately has been happening just about three times a year.
But this last weekend my girlfriend and I went to a party.
Or "illegal rave" as some would have it. It was swell. A good
vibe, and a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while.
Marius ended up taking some pics of us with his sick lens.

up and the fact that I'm in a committed relationship. I don't really
see the point of going out on town unless there is some special
event that I'm curious about, or I'm in the mood to get really,
really drunk on espresso/rum shots, absinth and whiskey. Which
lately has been happening just about three times a year.
But this last weekend my girlfriend and I went to a party.
Or "illegal rave" as some would have it. It was swell. A good
vibe, and a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while.
Marius ended up taking some pics of us with his sick lens.

Tuesday, November 7
London tube map
I just saw Zevs interpretation of the London Underground map
at Pictures on Walls. It does seem a lot more correct than the
ones which can be found at the actual tube stations.

Zevs is a parisian graffiti artist who has had huge success over
the last years and is now doing a lot of exhibitions at reknowned
galleries. But here's a few examples of his earlier street art.

at Pictures on Walls. It does seem a lot more correct than the
ones which can be found at the actual tube stations.

Zevs is a parisian graffiti artist who has had huge success over
the last years and is now doing a lot of exhibitions at reknowned
galleries. But here's a few examples of his earlier street art.

Sunday, November 5
Saturday, November 4
Guns Guns Guns
Peter Gronquist has made some weapons for the occasional
hollywood celebrity on a killing spree. Lush living...or not.

hollywood celebrity on a killing spree. Lush living...or not.


Usugrow is the home of japanese artist Nobu. We've all seen
a lot of skulls lately, but do give this one a chance - he's got
an extremely precise style with lines that are just flawless.
The pureness and perfect symmetry of the composition makes
every piece he makes so incredibly strong.
Besides, it's pretty fucking cool.