Dear Santa
So, we found the apartment! And we are very happy with the
decision, both in terms of seeing it as an investment, and
seeing it as a place where we would like to live.

But now we need to fill the place. It's not like the place is
enormous, and we do have some stuff already, but here are
a few pieces that Santa can feel free to drop down our
chimney any time.

Gael armchair in macassar ebony

Soleau elk antlers lamp

Low table in oiled walnut and solid alder dyed in black
Or...we can go dictator-chic and order these two babies:


San Damas
decision, both in terms of seeing it as an investment, and
seeing it as a place where we would like to live.

But now we need to fill the place. It's not like the place is
enormous, and we do have some stuff already, but here are
a few pieces that Santa can feel free to drop down our
chimney any time.

Gael armchair in macassar ebony

Soleau elk antlers lamp

Low table in oiled walnut and solid alder dyed in black
Or...we can go dictator-chic and order these two babies:


San Damas
ps.. hoimaigawwwd jeg ønsker meg en gael armchain og insane starck lamper jeg også!santa;take notes!!
Tusen takk! =) Syyykt.
Når det gjelder den gaelstolen, så har jeg blitt helt nuts etter den tretypen. Drømmer om å få snekret en hylle i macassar ebony (ibenholt).
Vi skal forresten finne på noe snart, så hold av alle dager!
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